Drug Rehab by City
- Worcester
- Wallingford
- Brattleboro
- South Burlington
- Newport
- St. Johnsbury
- White River Junction
- Plainfield
- Middlebury
- Williamstown
- Hartford
- Barre
- Bellows Falls
- Burlington
- Bradford
- Manchester Center
- Wilder
- Underhill
- St. Albans
- West Burke
- Springfield
- Cuttingsville
- Morrisville
- Randolph
- Bennington
- Rutland
- Castleton
- St. Albans Bay
- Montpelier
- Johnson
Prescription Drug Treatment Facilities in and around Randolph, Vermont:
- Ayers Brook is located at 35 Ayers Brook Road Randolph VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-728-4466.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Prescription Drug and Alcohol Services, Dual-Diagnosis Programs
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Clara Martin Center is located at 11 Main Street Randolph VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-728-4466.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Prescription Drug and Alcohol Services, Dual-Diagnosis Programs, Criminal Justice Clients, Prescription Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment - Second Spring (12.4 miles from Randolph) is located at 118 Clark Road Williamstown VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-433-6183.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Prescription Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: - Children Youth and Family Services (17.1 miles from Randolph) is located at 579 South Barre Road Barre VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-476-1480.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Prescription Drug and Alcohol Services, Prescription Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance - Central Vermont (18.7 miles from Randolph) is located at 100 Hospitality Drive Barre VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-223-4156.
Treatment Services: Prescription Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Prescription Drug and Alcohol Services, Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs for Adolescents, Dual-Diagnosis Programs, Prescription Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women, Prescription Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men, Services for DUI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, Prescription Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Washington County MH Services (18.7 miles from Randolph) is located at 13 Kynoch Avenue Barre VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-479-1339.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - University of Vermont Health Network (18.9 miles from Randolph) is located at 130 Fisher Road Montpelier VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-371-4100.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Hospital Inpatient Programs for Prescription Drug Rehab
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment - Washington County Youth Service Bureau (21.3 miles from Randolph) is located at 38 Elm Street Montpelier VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-229-9151.
Treatment Services: Prescription Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Prescription Drug and Alcohol Services, Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs for Adolescents, Dual-Diagnosis Programs, Services for DUI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Assistance for Prescription Drug Rehab - Counseling Service of Addison County (23.1 miles from Randolph) is located at 89 Main Street Middlebury VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-388-6751 x423.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Prescription Drug and Alcohol Services, Dual-Diagnosis Programs, Prescription Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Spruce Mountain Inn (25.4 miles from Randolph) is located at 155 Towne Avenue Plainfield VT. and can be contacted by calling 802-454-8353.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Dual-Diagnosis Programs, Lesbian/Gay Prescription Drug Abuse Services
Payment Forms Accepted: Self Payment
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