Drug Detox

Drug detox is a process that an individual will undergo if their health is compromised by alcohol or drug use or as part of a drug rehab or other treatment program. The purpose of drug detox is to cleanse alcohol and drugs safely from the body and to ease withdrawal symptoms or prevent physical withdrawal from being fatal or physically harmful. Drug detox only addresses the physical side of addiction, and the emotional and psychological side will need to be addressed separately as part of a drug rehab or drug treatment program.

A drug detox is the safest way to come off alcohol and other drugs. If someone who is addicted to particular kinds of drugs, such as alcohol or benzodiazepines, suddenly stops using these substances without medical care it could result in death. At a drug detox or drug rehab facility individuals coming off of drugs and alcohol will receive around the clock medical care and supervision. Professional drug treatment counselors will ensure that the individual undergoing drug detox is as comfortable as possible and will work to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Drug detox typically lasts a week or two. It can be a very uncomfortable and unpleasant experience, but necessary if the individual wants to stop the viscous cycle of drug and alcohol abuse. This is why it is important that they have all of the care and support they can possibly receive during this time. The physical feelings and sensations experienced as part of detoxification and withdrawal are typically the polar opposite of those one would experience when using drugs or alcohol. Additionally, the individual will experience intense cravings to use drugs and alcohol during this time. All the more reason to do a drug detox under the supervision of medical and professional drug treatment staff.

Some drug detox programs use a drug free approach and some may use medications as part of treatment. Some drug detox programs are part of a more extensive drug treatment program which can last several months and takes place in a residential setting.

After drug detox is complete, an individual's physical tolerance to drugs and alcohol will be greatly reduced. Hence, if the user does not follow up a drug detox with drug treatment and begins to use these substances again it could have disastrous consequences. Following up drug detox with a thorough drug treatment program is essential to maintaining sobriety and ensuring the individual doesn't fall into the trap of drugs and alcohol in the future.

Because there is an extremely high risk of death by overdose or poisoning if an individual does not follow up drug detox with a drug treatment program, it is important that individuals are urged to follow up with more treatment. So after the individual overcomes the physical side of addiction and gets through a thorough drug detox, they can then decide on a more permanent solution to their addiction. There are a variety of drug treatment programs that the individual can take part in that can cater to their individual needs.

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